I'm thinking about making anew series of cards that give a buff to another creature, they are all mono-color but obviously most would work will in non-mono decks
the buff would be lobotimizeable and only one buff from the series could be on at a time and they trigger when the creature dies
if you cast this buff on an opponents creature they get the benefit when it dies
here are my ideas for the different elements and stuff

gives creatures on the same side of the field immortality till end of turn (hard to work with but could possibly negate RoF)



creature becomes a skeleton when dies, does not trigger death effects

destroys one pillar?

IDK mutates target creature?

deals 3 damage to what killed it or the opponent

destroys 1 of each quantum of opponent?

controller gets 5 health

heals other creatures you control for 2 health?

draw a card?

If not I could just do a few elements as standalone cards