My idea was for each new mechanic to be versatile enough that we could create a series for each one showing off the many ways in which it could be used/applied. Some mechanics will not be versatile enough to cover 6+ elements but will be versatile enough to still cover 6+ forms. The expansion, development and refinement of each mechanic into a series will determine the final elements and variants involved. Current elements listed are just examples testifying to the versatility of the ideas. (A Phase series would include both Phasing and Phase)
On Ambush
Ambush works as a multiplier
4 creatures with ambush 4|4 (blessed), 1|1, 1|1, 1|1
Vs Solar Shield
2nd, 3rd and 4th ones activate Ambush [Current Stats: 4|4, 0|1, 0|1, 0|1]
First creature attacks dealing 4-1=3 damage [Current Stats: 4|4, 3|1, 3|1, 3|1]
Second attacks 3-1=2 damage [Current Stats: 4|4, 3|1, 5|1, 5|1]
Third attacks 5-1=4 damage [Current Stats: 4|4, 3|1, 5|1, 9|1]
Fourth attacks 9-1=8 damage
Total Damage: 17
4 creatures with ambush 4|4 (blessed), 1|1, 1|1, 1|1
Vs Dusk Shield
3rd and 4th ones activate Ambush [Current Stats: 4|4, 1|1, 0|1, 0|1]
First creature attacks missing [Current Stats: 4|4, 1|1, 0|1, 0|1]
Second attacks 1=1 damage [Current Stats: 4|4, 1|1, 1|1, 1|1]
Third attacks missing [Current Stats: 4|4, 1|1, 1|1, 1|1]
Fourth attacks 1=1 damage
Total damage =2