ElementWeaponPreceptShieldPreceptMissingMetaSwordDaggerShortbowHammerbonus if airbonus if earth/gravity or darknessShieldLobotomizerremove ability from creatureDimensional shield3 turns of no physical damagespell defensea shield that heals from spell damage is in orderEagle Eyedirect damageFogWingschance to avoid physical damageavoid flying damageVampire Stilletodrain lifeDusk Mantlechance to avoid physical damagebasic damage reduction shieldArsenicadd poisonBone wallSkull Shieldcounter based physical preventionminor damage block, chance to turn to skeletondirect damage weapon would be goodPulverizerdestroy permanent, activationDiamond Shield3 point flat reductionalternate shieldneeds an alternate shield mechanicDiscordscramble quantaDissipation ShieldQuanta based damage reductiongood shield and weapon, needs alternate shieldFahrenheitramped damage for fireFire Shielddamage to creaturesbasic shielddamage reduction shield or spell defenseTitanhigh, unblockable damageGravity shieldstops high HP creaturesbasic shieldneeds a better shield and alternate ability weaponDruidic Staffheal playerThorn shieldEmerald shieldchance to poison creaturesreflectsspellsweak weapon, good shieldsMorning Gloryhigh, unbreakable damageSolarMirrorgenerates quantareflects spellsweak defenseEternityreverse timeProcrastinaiondelays creaturesdamage reductionpoor defense, overshadowed by tundra, good weaponTridentdestroy pillars, activation costIce Shielddamage reduction, chance to freeze creaturealternate defenseone of the best shields, odd weapon