It is time for me to again request your wisdom.,39818.0.html


Fission: Target creature gains +2|+1, this card gets -2|-1. You can use this ability multiple times per turn.


Fusion: Target creature gets -1|-2, this card gets +1|+2.
Convenient summary of Fission and Fusion as they relate to entropy
Fission causes particles to divide into more particles causing entropy to increase. (aka

Fusion causes particles to melt together causing entropy to decrease. (aka

Based on these definitions, I do not see the reason for these to be duo creatures.
As a mono creature, Matter Mage would have easier access to cross element synergies.
(Unupped: Wyrm, Angel, Heavy Armor, Basilisk Blood)
Fission gives +2X|+X for Casting Cost + X * Activation Cost where X=hp of Matter Mage.
+6|+3 for Casting Cost + 3 * Activation Cost
+12|+6 for Casting Cost + Plate Armor + 6 * Activation Cost
+18|+9 for Casting Cost + Heavy Armor + 9 * Activation Cost
+46|+23 for Casting Cost + Basilisk Blood + 6 turns + 23 * Activation Cost (OTK potential for OTK cost)
Since it gives 2 attack per activation cost, the activation cost of 2 quanta is appropriate. However the casting cost is a bit high.
The casting cost is high because the Matter Mage starts with 6 attack. Less attack would allow a lower casting cost.
Fusion is a 2 attack swing, +2hp and a 2hp CC. This is slightly better than Growth due to the versatility. Cost should be about 2-3 more than the starting stat value.
If we were to have a card that increased the quanta cap, Which element would be better
? and for the opposite affect,
Shard of Conscience was abandoned. Its thread would prove useful for the decrease effect.
Mechanically: I would choose the element that would benefit the least among the elements that would benefit enough. (This is mechanic specific)
Thematically: I would choose a physical or mental theme depending on the element chosen thematically.
Example: I would not choose Air because it does not use near 75 quanta. Nor would I choose Gravity because its denial elements are really strong vs near empty pools.