Can you analyze water sprayer ¦ water jets?,35908.msg482735#msg482735"Shield: Reduce damage by 5-N, where N is the attacking creature's HP. Attacking creatures might die."
This is an antiRush specialized shield. (DR 4 vs lava golem but DR 0 vs most dragons)
Upgraded this is a more complicated form of Skull Buckler.
Chance to die: (45%, 37.5%, 30%, 22.5%, 15%, 7.5%) vs (50%, 25%, 15.7%, 12,5%, 10%, 8.3%)
Its effect is too unique for me to be able to do a direct quantitative comparison to existing cards. The possibility of drowning when upgraded is probably unnecessary. I would have based the cost off the average DR of the shield.
Snatch (,34894.msg478427#msg478427)
I got so much positive feedback on the original idea, but it's just too limited in it's uses with the current game.
How would you suggest I go about making it work for the best?
I made a suggestion in one of my posts in teh thread, does that seem like a good route?
The major problem is the rarity of the event (discarding) which is needed to trigger the effect.
There are only 4 methods of forcing discarding
1) Silence (limit of 6 discards but probably will be less)
2) Nightmare (limit of 6 discards but probably will be less)
3) Quanta Denial (reliable repeatable)
4) Self inflicted discarding (currently does not trigger)
It might be better if it were modified into a 2 part card. 1 part does not need discards but incentivizes the opponent to be vulnerable to discards. The second part would trigger when the opponent discarded.
Gain X when the opponent plays a card, gain Y when they discard a card.
Gain X per empty slot in the opponent's hand, gain Y when they discard a card.
Bad stuff when anyone plays a card, gain Y when they discard a card.
So I would consider:

when the opponent plays a card. Gain a copy of each card the opponent discards."