The wait period isn't that severe though, when you consider that these are pretty much cheaper, and all but untouchable except for four cards: explosion, which for full denial would leave other permanents free for use unless you had more PC. Pulverize, which would most likely be played later in a match than these things, and steal, which would probably be the best bet, and SoF, which...Is kinda broken as is due to the quanta powers of rainbows. As a result, the only decks made with PC can deal with Firewood directly.
Not to mention that if Nova's recent Singularity nerf is any indication, there needs to be a reason this card cannot be spammed. Immo's control is the creature sacrifice requirement. Nova can't be spammed because then you have to deal with a Singularity. This however, does not have a control for it's use as of yet.