I've already posted the first three of these on Steal My Idea, but I might as well cross-post, and add a couple others.
Swiftstrike (

ability, probably costing 1-2

Quanta): Damage target creature equal to this creature's power, this creature does not attack your opponent this turn.
Craft (

ability, on a


, or

creature): Create a copy of target (non-pillar?) permanent; it becomes the top card of your deck.
Overcharge (0-cost ability, probably on a

creature): Destroy one of your pillars, gain twice the quanta it would normally generate. (Maybe it can also target an opposing pillar, in which case it would be the opponent that gained the quanta?)
Catapult (

ability, I see a cost of 2-3

quanta): Sacrifice a creature, damage your opponent equal to its (power? HP? the total of the two? whichever is higher?) (In any case, if the appropriate number is negative, it would heal instead)
Mimic (not sure what element this fits into, may be OP): This card's full power and full HP become the current power of the highest-power creature in play and the current HP of the highest-HP creature in play, respectively. (Maybe only until end of turn?)
Toxic (

passive ability, on a 1-power creature): When this creature damages a player, that player gains poison counters equal to the damage done, then this creature gains +1|+0. (May be OP, especially with Adrenaline/Epinephrine, but I don't know)
Incinerate (

ability, probably costing 4

quanta or more): Sacrifice a

creature with up to (X) power, damage each player and each creature equal to (twice?) its power. (If a negative-power creature is sacrificed, instead heals each player and each creature)
Convergence (not sure of the proper element or cost): Target a non-quantum pillar. Drain all your quanta of other elements, then for each (1? 2? 3?) quanta drained this way, gain 1 quanta of the element of the element of the targeted pillar.
Searchlight (

ability, I guess? Probably cost about 2

quanta, maybe 3): If there are any copies of target creature or permanent in your deck and there is room in your hand, add 1 copy of the targeted card to your hand.
Mass Heal (


passive ability, probably on a creature with 2 or less power): At the end of each of your turns, heal yourself for a number of HP equal to the number of your creatures with this ability. (For example, if one of your creatures has Mass Heal, you'd heal 1. If you had 5 such creatures, each would heal you for 5. May want to set an upper limit, if this + Fractal proves to be OP otherwise.)
Power Heal (

ability on a

creature, probably costing 2-3

quanta): This turn, instead of dealing damage, all of your creatures with positive power heal you equal to the damage they would have done. (I'm seeing this as a state-based effect, so even creatures played after this activated would heal you instead of damaging your opponent.)
Inversion (

ability?): Destroy target pillar, then create 1 "Inverse Pillar" of the same type. (An "Inverse Pillar, instead of generating quanta, drains the appropriate quanta from the player; for example, an Inverse Bone Pillar would drain 1

quantum from the player that has it, with the same timing as if it were a regular Bone Pillar.)