Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Card Ideas and Art => Design Theory => Topic started by: rohlfo on February 06, 2011, 06:33:52 pm

Title: A small study on HP of creatures
Post by: rohlfo on February 06, 2011, 06:33:52 pm
When looking into creating cards which were effected by the HP of a creature I made these tables to help me, which may be of use to others as well.

These tables do not include rare creatures or flying weapons.
For creatures with 'growth' abilities the original HP is taken. There are 9 unupped and 10 upped creatures which can 'grow'.

HP value0hp1hp2hp3hp4hp5hp6hp7hp8hp10hp15hp16hp25hpNhp
approx % of creatures1.5%23.5%19%17.5%4.5%12%10%1.5%1.5%3%1.5%1.5%1.5%1.5%

HP value0hp1hp2hp3hp4hp5hp6hp7hp8hp9hp12hp15hp20hp30hpNhp
approx % of creatures1.5%13%13%20.5%12%13%7.5%4.5%1.5%3%3%1.5%1.5%3%1.5%

P.S. if people like this/find it useful, I'll do the same for attack.
Title: Re: A small study on HP of creatures
Post by: Wonder on February 06, 2011, 06:36:53 pm
Oh this is pretty cool.

You can sort of see the HP shift from 1-2 to 3-4.
Title: Re: A small study on HP of creatures
Post by: Nepycros on February 06, 2011, 06:39:53 pm
> . > Label your axes, please.
Title: Re: A small study on HP of creatures
Post by: Wonder on February 06, 2011, 06:41:03 pm
> . > Label your axes, please.
I'm guessing X is the HP and Y is the number of creatures.
Title: Re: A small study on HP of creatures
Post by: rohlfo on February 06, 2011, 06:51:57 pm
> . > Label your axes, please.
I'm guessing X is the HP and Y is the number of creatures.
Yes. As is most common with tables, the items are on the X-axis and the amounts the Y-axis. These tables wouldn't even make sense looked at any other way...?
Title: Re: A small study on HP of creatures
Post by: Wonder on February 06, 2011, 06:54:11 pm
> . > Label your axes, please.
I'm guessing X is the HP and Y is the number of creatures.
Yes. As is most common with tables, the items are on the X-axis and the amounts the Y-axis. These tables wouldn't even make sense looked at any other way...?
It would be convenient if they were labeled though d:
Title: Re: A small study on HP of creatures
Post by: Nepycros on February 06, 2011, 06:55:28 pm
No title or labeled axis. It's completely unprofessional. You, my good sir, get a D-.
Title: Re: A small study on HP of creatures
Post by: rohlfo on February 06, 2011, 08:12:04 pm
> . > Label your axes, please.
better?  :P

In all seriousness though, I think it's comprehensible enough as it is....I didn't save these charts anywhere, so being lazy and not doing them again now, maybe later/some other time
Title: Re: A small study on HP of creatures
Post by: doublecross on February 06, 2011, 08:14:11 pm
Did you list Oty as a growing card?
Title: Re: A small study on HP of creatures
Post by: rohlfo on February 06, 2011, 08:21:41 pm
Did you list Oty as a growing card?
yeah, but is under 3 and 5 in the charts. Always used original HP, just thought I'd mention how many creatures can 'grow' without influence of other cards (which reminds me, didn't include fallen elf/druid as one which can 'grow' :s)
Title: Re: A small study on HP of creatures
Post by: doublecross on February 06, 2011, 08:24:09 pm
Did you also count scavenger as a growing card?

Also, if this is for the purpose of balancing, than all creatures should be included. Rarity should not make a card exempt from parts of the balancing process.
Title: Re: A small study on HP of creatures
Post by: rohlfo on February 06, 2011, 08:27:59 pm
Did you also count scavenger as a growing card?

Also, if this is for the purpose of balancing, than all creatures should be included. Rarity should not make a card exempt from parts of the balancing process.
I did include scavenger as one.

Perhaps, but given as they're rare and hardly show up, they shouldn't be taken into 'full' consideration....it is a small study into creature HP, I'm sure one could make a very comprehensible one if wanted. I just needed a rough average for my Thicket cards and thought why not share my findings...people are obv welcome to do better ones!
Title: Re: A small study on HP of creatures
Post by: rohlfo on February 06, 2011, 08:32:30 pm
ok, for info, the 9 unupped cards I thought had HP 'growth' are:
Lycanthrope, Vulture, Otyugh, Forest Spirit, Lava Golem, Crusader, Scarab, Fate Egg, Gargoyle.

For upped I had 10, because when the elite Graboid evolves, it gains +1 HP.

Arguably, Fallen Elf/Druid should be included here also.
Title: Re: A small study on HP of creatures
Post by: OldTrees on February 06, 2011, 10:50:50 pm
Thank you Rohlfo.
Could you add What % of creatures have each hp. This would be invaluable for the Devour skill.
Title: Re: A small study on HP of creatures
Post by: rohlfo on February 06, 2011, 11:12:59 pm
Thank you Rohlfo.
Could you add What % of creatures have each hp. This would be invaluable for the Devour skill.
I can try, I'll admit right now (as people have already seen) I'm not the best at excel etc. but will give it a bash.
If I haven't managed this by Wednesday, I probably won't until mid March because I'll be away/incredibly busy for awhile. (just giving you the heads up).

Actually, the values are easy, so I could add a html table thingy just underneath each picture. Then anyone who's an excel wizard can combine it all into fancy graphs if they fancy.

Do people think there would be interest in seeing the same for attack?
Title: Re: A small study on HP of creatures
Post by: OldTrees on February 06, 2011, 11:15:03 pm
Thank you once again. An attack graph would be nice too. (with percentages as well please.)
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