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need feedback on no-upgrade FG killer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10529.msg129128#msg129128
« on: August 01, 2010, 02:03:18 pm »
heres my noupgrade deck capable of beating Destiny, Elidnis, Ferox, Gemini, Incarnate, Miracle, Morte, Neptune, Osiris, Paradox, Miracle, and maybe Scorpion and Fire Queen if ur very lucky
im waiting for ur feedback:
Code: [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vc 4vo 55p 55q 5ig 5ig 5l9 5rg 5ro 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5uk 61r 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 621 621usually kills with reverse-vampire (2 nymph)
against Elidnis: keep ur HP as high as u can, draw all ur card, PU a 20+ Forest Spectre, antimatter it, wait a turn, butterfly on it and antimatter again to get back the attack, then make it immortal - and dont summon the Darkness Nymph - only problem is Puffer Fish, but u can antimatter all ultiharid and puffer fish to stay alive while u kill him
Ferox - dont need immortal creatures, so just summon the 2 nymph, momentum+antimatter a dragon, the PU it, butterfly and antimatter back
Fire Queen - do something similar to Elidnis, or put in a  :air Pillar and kill with 10 Unstable Gas
for the rest, find it out urself :P

i realised that killing Elidnis/Fire Queen with this deck is close to impossible, and Ferox takes too long, so i modified it to kill Fire Queen and ignore Ferox
now it looks like this:
Code: [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vc 55p 55q 5ig 5ig 5l9 5oc 5rg 5ro 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5uk 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 621 621statistics:
Incarnate/Miracle/Neptune/Paradox/Gemini ~80%
Destiny/Fire Queen ~50-60%
Osiris ~30-40%
the goal is to draw all ur cards, then heal with purple nymph, and damage with black/blue nymph (either reverse-vampire, or unstable gas)
there r 30 cards in the deck, u draw 7 at start (that leaves 23), u got 5 sundial (that leaves 18 round to draw all ur cards), and u got 5*3+5 rounds protection (=20), and u probably wont die in the first 5 round, so that leaves ~7 protected round after u got all ur cards (use ur eternity to rewind the photon, so u dont run out of cards to draw)
some tip:
dont use sundial/phase shield until theres an enemy creature out
dont use sundial/phase shield at the same time
use phase shield instead of sundial, if u got no light quanta, but otherway use ur sundials first
u dont need Quintessence/Gravity Shield for some gods, so feel free to throw them away when u got 8 cards in hand
momentum should be used on the strongest enemy creatures in most cases, right before u use antimatter on it, so u can heal back while ur still under the phase shield's protection
dont use ur eternity on enemy creatures, unless u have a time pillar out pretty soon, and u must remove a momentum (against Osirs)
use black nymph for damage
wait as long as u can before u put out ur first sundial, the rest will be easy (for Incarnate, dont use black nymph on the vampires, they will drain back the - damage anyway)
for Neptune, save ur momentum for ur purple nymph
wait as long as u can, also awoid playing the purple nymph before u got like 20 entropy quanta if u can
concentrate on 5/5 creatures to antimatter, and use Gravity Shield, or just antimatter everything from 5/5 up, if u got enough quanta - keep a phase shield if u play gravity shield, so u can get it off when ur ready with antimattering - also i recommend leaving the srongest creature for last, cuz if u dont antimatter it, he ll keep using blessing on it
use sundial/phase shield as soon as the first creature appeares, as u will get in trouble with his momentum otherway - then just antimatter his creatures with momentum as soon as u can
i recommend using blue nymph against it
concentrate on getting ur black nymph out as soon as possible (but not without quintessence), to remove the skills of fallen druid, possibly harmfull creatures (mutant with steel/destroy, or a hatched nymph)
u can loose if he gets out something like that before ur dark nymph is out
Fire Queen:
similar to Gemini, u need to keep ur HP quite high, cuz he ll use fire lances on u + his weapon deals 7 dmg (u get it when u use Sundial)
use a momentumed eagle eye to heal, generate 10 unstable gas and kill him by ignitting al of them in 1 turn
try antimattering his creatures with momentum, use gravity shield at the end to stop his creatures from attacking, and kill him with unstable gas
use ur mometum on ur blue nymph, or on the purple nymph if u must to avoid death
strategy end

so now, im really looking for feedbacks (please at least test on trainer before u say something)
also, im looking for improvements to beat theese gods: Morte(poison)/Scorpio(poison)/Ferox(jade shield+feral bond)/Elidnis(jade shield+feral bond+creature control)

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Re: need feedback on no-upgrade FG killer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10529.msg129138#msg129138
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2010, 02:25:20 pm »
heres my noupgrade deck capable of beating Destiny, Elidnis, Ferox, Gemini, Incarnate, Miracle, Morte, Neptune, Osiris, Paradox, Miracle, and maybe Scorpion and Fire Queen if ur very lucky
im waiting for ur feedback:
Code: [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vc 4vo 55p 55q 5ig 5ig 5l9 5rg 5ro 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5uk 61r 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 621 621usually kills with reverse-vampire (2 nymph)
against Elidnis: keep ur HP as high as u can, draw all ur card, PU a 20+ Forest Spectre, antimatter it, wait a turn, butterfly on it and antimatter again to get back the attack, then make it immortal - and dont summon the Darkness Nymph - only problem is Puffer Fish, but u can antimatter all ultiharid and puffer fish to stay alive while u kill him
Ferox - dont need immortal creatures, so just summon the 2 nymph, momentum+antimatter a dragon, the PU it, butterfly and antimatter back
Fire Queen - do something similar to Elidnis, or put in a  :air Pillar and kill with 10 Unstable Gas
for the rest, find it out urself :P
Has chances against a lot of False Gods, but it's very draw dependant. I'd say it has a win rate of about 17% And it's too aether heavy.
There are things worse than eating tuna directly from the tin


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Re: need feedback on no-upgrade FG killer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10529.msg129200#msg129200
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2010, 05:56:29 pm »
actually, its not that draw dependent as u may think, cuz u can easily draw all ur cards in most cases
and the mark is aether, i put entropy by accident - ill correct it
win rate was around 30% for theese 13 gods, but that was before i put in Butterfly and PU, so for alll the gods it really was around 17% - but hey, theres no upgrade in it

