I can't tell you how many times I've failed myself down to 4 or fewer coins.
Here's what to do:
Use the import/export feature of the Beta (
http://www.elementsthegame.com/beta), and put yourself together a simple AI3 facepuncher in addition to your FG deck. When you get low on money, punch some AI3s in the face until you have 60 gold or so -- maybe 5 AI3 matches -- and then go right back to tackling the False Gods.
Assuming that those cards are ALL of the cards you own, put together an AI3 deck that looks like this:
14 Quantum Pillars
2 Fallen Elf
2 Boneyard
2 Otyugh
2 Empathic Bond
1 Rain of Fire (get another one of these, BTW)
2 Golden Hourglass
2 Steal
2 Dimensional Shield
Don't worry about defense besides the Otys and the Dim Shields; you don't need it against AI3. Just make your goal to get a swarm out via Boneyard+Oty+Rof and FFQ, and Mutating it into badassitude via Fallen Elf. You should win most matches with Elemental Mastery, meaning a single successful AI3 game will let you go back to fighting False Gods.
Use the Import/Export feature to reload your False God deck, and go back to work. Even a 20% win ratio against False Gods is a pretty profitable endeavour, and the more you play them and learn tiny little tricks to pull on them, the more that ratio will increase. Look up and try to build SG's "Almost Upgraded" FG deck, and then use it to get enough upgraded cards to build PuppyChow's superthin FG killer.
Good luck!