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TTW and win% (Only 10 Sample games)
AI 3, 80% Win rate, 7.5 TTW
HBs, 50% Win rate, 9 TTW
It's terrible against FGs, lol.
This is a pretty unique deck concept, I think. I overdrive the Titans and then use the crusaders to copy their ability and damage, effectively PUing your overdrived titan. It's insanely fast. When it works. The problem is I don't know how to balance the pillars or pendulums and get my draws better, sicne this deck is pretty prone to bad draws. Try it out against an HB in trainer though, it got a 7 turn win on my second try, but the try before it I got a crap hand and pretty much lost from the start.
It's a lot of fun but I really need help touching it up.