Wow. I'm surprised I haven't noticed this unique looking deck. I guess the Trials do help me look thorugh old decks eh? Anyways, here are my comments:
-Either 1 more Nova, or 1 less Nightmare. There is a possibility your hand may be clogged with Nightmares and no Novas.
-I think you need more Lightning Storms for the Soul Catchers to be effective and for the Condors to get fed. There isn't a lot of 1 hp creatures in the game, and the density of your Lightning Storms will not ensure you will draw enough of them.
-Careful not to blow up your Darnselflies and lack the damage to finish off an opponent...
-You could blow up your gas to kill your Darnselfies to feed the Condors if necessary.
-3 Skulls look good. 3 is the magic number to ensure that you draw one of that card in time.
The most unique nova based Air deck I've seen today! I may even have to try it out to see if it suits my taste. Thanks for the deck idea.