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Plan of attack is simple, use Mitosis & Blessing on one or two ROL, fill up your side of the table. Hope, Patience + Feral Bond. Wait until you're up to 200+ damage and then unleash the pain train!! I haven't done extensive testing yet, I'm not ready to call this deck complete. From what I've played so far, it's win rate has been a bit better than 50%.
Otyugh is an issue, because of the unlimited CC. False God's with both creature control & permanent control will usually win (Octane is particularly frustrating). This deck is great for EM wins and is very powerful against those dastardly healing-cheese Gods.
I want to hear your suggestions!
Already I'm thinking that Miracle might be more useful than the Forest Spectre.
I'll try out a few variations, and post stats and a breakdown for each False God later (maybe)