I question the decision to upgrade Quantum Towers, which I what I assume you've been doing. If you're not drawing right, Electrum Hourglasses are vital. Even though you do have Pendulums, Golden Hourglasses are so worthless in comparison. I'd also make the following changes:
-1 Pandemonium/Rain of Fire
-1 Water Pendulum
-3 Nova
-1 Quantum Pillar
-1 Otyugh
Though honestly, I don't think you're going to get anywhere without upgrading the Houglasses. Also, a question. What exactly are you hoping for when using this deck? Is this just a fun deck where you play around with seeing what Nymphs you get from the Nymph's Tears and play a strategy around them?
Oh, and if you're trying to consistently fight Level 5, instead of just playing around with a concept deck, I'd suggest a much slimmer deck. Maybe something that you can find in the Decks section.