First, I'd like you to see how quick and easy level 3 matches can be. Try out this inexpensive deck from the money you have right now (you'll probably be able to afford it with the cards you have and matches played so far), and change your mark to Time for this deck:

This deck will help you fly through level 3 matches, winning pretty much all of them except when a level 3 deck uses the Paradox ability on you.
Now back to your deck...
You need to find a focus. Do you like using mutation and chaos seed to mutate creatures and give you interesting abilities? If so, there are better ways to do that with a deck and the Entropy mark. You have some good things going for you there with the Photons, Mutation, Novas, and Quantum Pillars to help give you cheap creature blanks and a variety of quanta to use whatever new abilities they gain.
But dump the Abominations and Purple Dragons. Those are holding your theme back.
Instead, use cheap, easier to produce creatures as ammo for your mutations. A good example is three more photons and possibly Deja Vu since it can create copies of itself as mutation ammo. But that takes Time quanta, at least only a little. So I'd drop a couple Amethyst Pillars and add a couple more Quantum Pillars. Or better yet, add 6 Novas in there instead of some of the Amethysts.
Also, go all 6 mutation spells and drop 2 (or all) chaos seed spells.
And finally, since you are Entropy, and you apparently like the mutation theme, why not put in two Fallen Elfs or Fallen Druids? And if you really want to splash color into that Entropy deck, you can always add a Firefly Queen or Elite Queen to help you make mutation ammo.
I hope that helps.