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Hello all, I'm a community newbie. Just found this forum and thought I would do well to take advantage of the resources. I'm not a total elements noob ( 510/419 in games played..Been around the block, but not totally impressive.), but I could use help.
Anyway, this is my Rainbow scarab deck. I can't take total credit, as the deck idea was inspired by someone else on one of the many elements wiki's..Can't recall which one or who I drew inspiration from. Either way, good sir, I applaud you.
So it's kind of all over the place. In game though? It WORKS. Usually. I haven't yet used the stat tracking tool on it, but I'd like to go on record as saying that it can win Bronze arena and AI up to level 3 with elemental mastery nearly every time. (Unless I run into an uber bronze arena deck somehow..Which happens too often for my liking, and only after winning 5/6 games..) I've also experienced a more than fair amount of success with the silver arena, and I can win gold arena often enough that it makes it worth it. A win with this deck is also almost always an elemental mastery, so the cool 300+ electrum from the gold arena far outbalances losses.
Anyhoo, I'm looking for some constructive criticism. How can I make this deck better? I'd like to be able to consistently grind Silver/Gold with EM, maybe take on AI4. (I'm not too concerned with farming the AI's anymore though, it's hardly ever worth it) I DON'T expect this to be a false god slayer, I just want to make a great farmer out of this if possible.
All feedback is much appreciated
EDIT: I almost forgot to explain the strategy behind the deck. It's obvious I'm guessing, but I always feel annoyed when I see a deck posted with no explanation of how it's played.
The concept is simple. Spam scarabs. Get one out and use either plate armor/heavy armor/blessing on it, omnom creatures. Play as many scarabs as you can. Got a pharoah in your hand? AWESOME, play it. If you can, play your bonewall BEFORE eating creatures (You want that +2 bone bonus. Boneus. hehe.) opponent has a nasty permanent? BAM, deflag or a steal if you've got it. Got aether quanta and an excess of time quanta for some reason? Weeeee scarab spamming via fractal! empathic bonds, druidic staff and heals for, well, healing, as well as that purple nymph. It's a bit out of place, but if you get her out and you encounter a creature with massive hp, antimatter it. 2 enchant artifacts for your choice of permanent protecting, I usually use one on an empathic bond and the other on the quantum pillars, depending on the type of opponent. And.. Voila.