My time deck is a control & card-advantage deck. It controls the opponent's ability to develop by putting their creatures back on their deck, denying them the opportunity to see new cards, while getting to see your own cards much faster with hourglasses.
It uses:
Time Mark
15 Time quanta sources, split between pillars and pendulums just to make it a little more resistant to Earthquake.
2 or 3 Hourglasses - They are the highest priority for upgrades.
Eternity - I have 2, and use both because I like having a backup.
2 to 4 Reverse Time - With these and Eternity, you can continuously reverse an opponen't creatures back to his deck. Of course, they can still resummon and hit you, but creature powers can't be used first turn and you can choose the order in which you reverse them in order to hide the more dangerous creatures deeper, hopefully leaving a 0 power creature as their top card. Besides creature control, this also denies your opponent the ability to see new cards. Catch them quick enough, and almost any deck is stunted.
5 or 6 Devonian Dragons - They hit hard, that's all.
I will occasionally use Procrastination - A creature in a time bubble cannot use its special power, so it can give me time to reverse them in addition to slowing offence. While it's true that continually reversing the same creature means it can hit you each turn as it's resummoned, the ability to stunt the opponent deck is worth it.
I have a gratitude and a divinity shard, and I'll occasionally use those.
Finally, with all the hourglasses you may quickly see the bottom of your 30-card deck. With all of your quanta-sources out, you should have enough to summon and reverse (with Eternity) one dragon each turn, until the rest of your dragons finish the opponent off.