I was planning on upgrading all the pillars but not the remaining cards as it would probably not bring much to the deck. What should I change to get a better result? I thank you in advance for your input.
I would at least upgrade the queen. Upgraded fireflies have one more attack in case you don't wind up mutating or eating them. And with all the towers upgraded you won't have to worry about quanta for miracle. The rest have cost reduction and are nice utility upgrades.
I would also add a feral bond or two. Usually you wind up with a full board of skeletons, mutants, and fireflies, and having miracle as your only source of healing usually isn't too great. Another quintessence so you draw them earlier and so you have one for the druid as well is a nice idea.
Lastly I would replace the steal with a butterfly effect. Although you can get permanent control through mutation it's always good to have a reusable backup. Just throw it on a skeleton and have Anubis quint it.