Giant Spiders, mark is Light

This one is pretty obvious, bless the spiders, and clone them. It's nice because each card in the combo is pretty good even outside of the combo. This is the only deck that needs to be upgraded to work well. Regular phase spiders just don't pack any punch, and regular blessing is a little expensive to run on mark alone.
The Doubler, mark is Air

Dive then twin, repeat, each time the attack doubles, it only takes a couple twins to get out of control. Without upgrades, trade the damsel flies for more wind pillars.
The Nine, mark is Entropy.

Again, pretty obvious, play teh dragons nub. You'll do better over all if you save up and play at least a few at a time. In PvP, aim for a big 2 turn kill spike. With no ups, trade the 6 novas for 4 pillars and 2 parallel universes, change mark to aether.