Right now, I'm running with a non-upped fast black (12 Obs towers, 6 dragons, 6 devourers, 3 steal, 3 drain), but was just taken out in PvP by someone who mentioned a fractal deck. I'm guessing this is geared mostly for ai3 and PvP. I've been reading about them and I noticed that a lot of posted decks have a lot of Aether or Obsidian Pillars, but I'm wondering if this deck would work better with pendulums. This way, you can reduce the pillars (and deck size) a bit and count on getting fractals/devourers sooner. But, here's what I was thinking:
Pendulum x 12
Fractal x 6
Devourer x 4
Vamp (or Dragon) x 3
Steal x 3
Drain (if Dragon) or Nightfall (if Vamp) x 2
maybe a vamp dagger and dusk shield
That's 30-32 cards. If going with vamps, it might be worth padding to 41 in case you need to play for a deck out. In which case, I was thinking I could add three more pends, definitely the dagger and shield, another devourer, two more vamps, and I'm not sure what else.
I was intentionally non-specific with the mark and types of pends, as I'm not sure if one would be better off going with aether mark and dark pends or the other way around.
Any thoughts? Thanks.