The winning percentage was probably close to 70%, and it won pretty fast. However, I think a bigger deck works better, because 2 rain of fires falls short vs. some gods... I used the PA because sometimes you can't afford 2-3 bonewalls anyways and it allows you to play pulverizer etc. early versus rainbow/hermes/grav, but I think a 3rd bonewall for defense would be better, with 2 feral bonds surviving late game was a bigger issue vs. scorpio and rainbow, a bigger issue than protecting towers or weapons early.
But I'm back up to 40, a difference I made is replacing 2 of 3 firestorms with plagues. I'm not sure yet but I think they may be better, for example one plague can kill graboids, or iron golems, or scorpio's 4 hp creatures (including the annoying lobo guy), or a whole horde of gravs creatures, it just takes a little longer, but you often have that time with sundials.

I'm still considering taking out a steal for a pulv... although I often find steal quite useful so I dunno.