Your deck as it is will probably get regularly pummelled by mono-aether for a few basic reasons:
1. You have no healing OR shields!
2. You have only two cards to deal with his dimensional shields, and will in all likelihood only draw one.
If you want to regularly beat mono-aether, you can do one of a number of a few things:
1. Heal+spine carapace/fire shield. Need plenty of healing since those shields don't prevent much, if any, damage.
2. Take care of his shields. A pulverizer, steals, explosions, butterfly effect would all work here.
3. Take care of his creatures. A gravity shield will drop his maximum damage output to 20, so you can try charger+flying titans (if you have any)+gravity shield+black holes.
Unfortunately, I can only think of a couple ways to modify your deck to make it work against mono-aether:
1. Drop all of your aether-usage and replace it with butterfly effects. Drop the steals, and replace them with cheap darkness creatures with less than 3 attack. You can already use butterfly effect on your fire-eaters and spirits, so with 2-3 devourers you'll be all set. Once you draw a butterfly effect (I'd recommend using 3-4 to garuntee drawing one), use it on a creature already in play and immediately use destroy to kill the shield. You should be able to quickly outdamage him, but just in case I'd recommend you play some healing (black holes, heals, etc.) and/or stalling cards, such as sundials (no point with butterfly effects, but otherwise you can stop him from attacking while you can't).
Other ideas: Armagios can soak up some damage while your butterfly effects take care of his shields and your creatures grow. Dusk Mantle and fog shield are both great cards against mono-aether, since the damage output is pretty slow to grow and there aren't a ton of creatures. Pillar destruction absolutely destroys mono-aether. 5 earthquakes with a mark of earth will completely shut him down. Devourers are also useful, but only if you have enough of them.
Good luck, hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions
good work, thanks for posting