Ok, so as usual I have gotten bored of yet another deck and started making another one. This one is ALMOST a success. I have been playing platinum in arena and in 10 games was within 1 turn of beating 4 of them.... needless to say it has me pulling my hair out now
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
52k 52k 52k 52k 52k 52k 52v 52v 52v 52v 52v 52v 55k 715 715 71b 71b 71c 71c 71c 744 744 744 744 744 744 74b 74b 74b 74b 8pk
The idea behind this deck is powerful CC and was created because I noticed that platinum was full of creature-reliant decks.
For those that can't see, or want to confirm, why I made it like this, explanations are below.
Aflatoxin: A constantly doubling supply of 1/1 critters, controllable if needed with the Otyughs if it is needed (I have needed to do this once in my per-platinum trials). Can be used on a vulture if opponent has few/no creatures or to weaken strong creatures for eating at a decent speed.
Skull Buckler: It kills creatures, which privides faster
. It also slows down damage, or completely negates damage from 1/1 creatures (see Aflatoxin).
Vulture: Feeds off kills from Otyughs and the Skull Buckler. nuff said.
Soul Catcher: Provides quanta per death. I tried towers at first, but that failed hard. I don't know why I thought of using them, I thought they were useless before I started using them.
Bone Wall: In situations that you can't Aflatoxin an opponent, but still need a shield better than the skull buckler, or even for early-mid game stalling, this is here.
Gravity Towers: By the time you finish reading this, you will realize that there is no reason I can tell you for adding these that you don't already know.
Any help would be appreciated.
Edit: I am thinking those stats may have been a fluke, another 10, this time on gold, won 1, lost 9 by a long shot. The problem seems to be the speed at which I get my defense out.