methinks too many weapons. Two is already an iffy thing, but this is a 50 card deck, so it should be fine. BUT, it contains six SoSer, which are very prone to giving out weapons. That gives you maybe 6-7 different weapons you might find in your deck (give or take, RNG will be RNG). And that makes for some very annoying situations.
I'd say replace the Pulverizer with maybe a SoFo and then the Graviton Guards with Minor Phoenixes (to reduce strain on Gravity, but unsure if AI targets Phoenixes, they probably do, but I'm not sure). MPs give the same damage along with very reliable CC resistance. Also, removing the Pulvy gives more Earth to give you HP with GSs.
SoP could be an interesting card to put here, but who knows, I've yet to get enough SoSer (IMO at least, 4 probably isn't too shabby to make a SoSerbow) to make any SoSer decks. So I don't know what I'm talking about if it's about SoSer 
AI lobo's. LS's, BB's, and basically destroys Minor Phoenixes. That's the guards job, to draw out the damage anyway.
That's the interesting thing with SoSer, it gives you multiple options to play. You have to think about what strategy you wish to use.
I.E: You get a Jade Staff and a Lobo, your opponent has Oty's on the field, what weapon would you use? Lobo to get rid of the Oty's, and then use the JS to heal their damage after its all gone.
The other thing I was thinking of was indeed more shards, but I find SoP doesn't fully do justice to the opponents side of the field.. They can still hit while you grow, that is.
ummm... sorry, but... you're trying to make an efficient AI3 grinder? sure, you can call it original, but... you're using a completely upped deck to try and grind AI3. That fact alone just doesn't sit right with me. Aside from that, I feel that this deck needs some... better quanta balancing. If you play all the cards, without taking into consideration using a creature or weapons ability, you end up using... 21
quanta and 26
quanta, and the two miracles consume all quanta, and you're going to get a minimum of six other entropy cards, where as elements such as
... they use a combined total of a measly 4 quanta. I suppose it doesn't matter as much when I end up seeing 20 quanta towers or pillars in a league deck and primarily uses half of the elements, but this isn't a gold or platinum deck. Also, I feel SoGras don't fulfill their potential without a
It can be used in pretty much anything, and you'd be surprised how well it actually does as is right now. AI3 is just what I tested it on last night to get a baseline of stats, today I'm going to bring it out and test it against AI4. Sadly I don't have the cards necessary to play this in my own game so I can't do it in the arena, but I suspect it would do rather well there. And yes, it may be


heavy, but that is mitigated by the Shards ability to give you more cards. More often than not, you'll garner the quanta needed to play everything.
The SoG's actually do they're job just fine without a

Mark, I've noticed.