i don't like when stats are given that are exaggerated.. and i just can't believe that 99% is a true stat for 100 games.
you are perfectly right, and I apologise for the baseless, exagerated stats.
to repair my mistake and give a better impression of the deck, I did play 50 matches in a row in T50 and kept track of the opponents.
1 she W EM
2 yahoo123 W EM
3 senabmi W devonian/rewind
4 liberalboy47 W
5 senabmi W devonian/rewind
6 tata07 W
7 zse W
8 she W EM
9 freez W
10 dragoon W
11 oxoxen W
12 lilly L CCYB deck
13 10 men W EM
14 guy42 W
15 antilord W
16 smuglapse L RoL/hope
17 liberalboy47 W
18 tata07 W EM
19 zse L decked out against dune scorp
20 pervepic L octane's

21 smuglapse L RoL/hope
22 clint205 W
23 bootsza W
24 heymondo W EM fat rainbow
25 kevkev60614 W EM FARM
26 dragoon L flying eagle eyes
27 tata07 W EM
28 guy42 W EM
29 boingo W EM
30 deepdown L decked out against classic rainbow
31 jmizzle7 W fractal/TU recluse
32 avenger W fat rainbow
33 dragoon L flying eagle eyes
34 kevkev60614 W EM (farm)
35 cheongmaster W oty/spine/druid rainbow
36 essence W
37 zambas L rainbow with a lot of steals
38 dragoon W flying eagle eyes
39 radiant6 W adrenalined flying staff (!)
40 cheongmaster W oty/spine/druid rainbow
41 wolfCZ L fractal charger
42 dragoon W flying eagle eyes
43 chessking1993 W octopus lobo
44 jmdt L fractal blackhole
45 radiant6 W adrenalined flying staff (!)
46 avenger W fat rainbow
47 skyfox L purple nymph
48 sickpillow W earth rush
49 avenger W EM fat rainbow
50 heymondo W EM fat rainbow
result: 38 wins, 12 losses = 76 %
please note, however, the extremely low percentage of farm decks I encountered during the test (1 out of 50), while usually the ratio is more around 10 for 50.
if you judge this deck worth including in your KOTH ranking, I would be very honored indeed