1. What do you want to do with this deck? AI3? AI5? Top50? PvP? Some information about your purpose and the problems your encountering would be very helpful...
2. There are definitely too many pillars...remove about 5
3. maybe shrink the deck
there are 4 growing creatures in the deck, 2 creatures for CC plus the firefly queen...but only 2 quints. I assume you try to quint the first growing creature...plus the ffq...imho 2 growings should be enough. i also think that lava golem is better then the rest, as you need to quint it anyway.
flying weapon: nice if you draw both stillettos or enemy has much PC, but no CC...but otherwise...dead card -> remove
a lone earthquake is waste, imho -> remove
unupped decks are horribly slow...i recommend dimensional shields and/or sundials to help you survive the beginning
without eternity you are quite vulnerable to deck out...
antimatter and/or aflatoxin are two other cards that often find their way into such decks...
fallen elf would be a great addition...in the end you would have sth. like this (more or less):