Which, in your opinion, works better?
You won't like this answer. It depends on what you are facing.
The control deck, the first one, is better vs other rush decks. Just about all the rush decks are equally fast and the winner is the one with the better draw. So, if you add a splash of control to your rush and shut the other deck down for even 1 turn, you will probably win.
The second deck is a pure rush and is better vs the FG slayers. Those decks are slow but once up to speed they will lock down the board. The only way to win is to do 100 damage before they establish their lock. In addition, those decks have minimal creatures and damage sources in them. The faster you are, the more likely you are to EM as well.
I go with 12 for consistancy. 12 is more likely to get that key 3

first turn.
There is another way I look at it as well. Say I have drawn 4 towers and played out my entire hand by turn 2 and on turn 3 I draw a "useless" tower. Looking at the big picture, that's okay with me because I'll probably win on turn 5.
Conversely, if I get only a single tower in my openning draw and do not get a second until turn 3, that means I probably lost.