Hi, I've played this game a while ago and randomly came back to it 2 days ago. I'm looking for a deck to farm FGs. Been using Firecell and I really like it, but it would be nice to beat some FGs I haven't managed to win against yet (Jezebel and others look pretty much unbeatable from my point of view).
Anyway, this is the deck that was still active on the account when I came back to it:

Doesn't really work well, got a maybe 5% or 10% win rate when not skipping any gods. Is there anything I can build with it? I also have a couple of other upgraded cards (just ask), 3 white Shards and 3 grey, 1 white and 1 purple Nymphs.
Would someone be so kind to link me to a currently applicable RoL/Hope deck? It appears I was building one when I stopped back then, seeing how I have 8 RoLs (won 2 recently) and some Hopes, though I'm not sure the latter are upgraded. A pic of the deck would suffice, but a thread would be even better so I know which FGs should be skipped. I've tried looking before but have a hard time telling which information is still valuable.