You're right, most FG hope decks use RoLs rather than fireflies. The one you linked is the only firefly hope FG deck I see.
Regardless, I think you'll have more consistenly positive results if you slim the deck down. In fact, all the advice I'm going to give is basically going to make your deck look more like a typical FG deck.
Off the top of my head I'd try cutting the dials, the animate weapon, purify, the three protect artifacts, the anubis, the fractal and a bunch of towers. Have at least two quints (one for oty, one for FFQ ideally), and less phase shields. Add firestorm and bone walls, which will help mid game if your fireflies die out plus you're not using any poison or fire quantum.
Meh. I just typed all that but then basicall you have PuppyChow's deck only with Hope instead of Permafrost and unupgraded FFQs. Meh.