Keeping in mind this is a rush deck:
Take out nymph's tears - hard to pay for, and then hard to pay for nymph's ability, and random
Take out epinephrine - basically just a buff card (not needed)
Take out improved miracle and blessing - you aren't a stall deck (and 12 light is a lot for a speedbow), and blessing isn't that great
Take out the SoGs - you want it to be a rush, right?
Take out the oty - see above
Take out the bone wall - see above
Take out the electrocutors - see above
Take out the physalia
...But wait! You took out 10 cards! Your deck is only 23 cards now

Well you can do a few things with those 7 slots (7 because we only want a 30 card deck). You could:
-Add more damage (Phase spider, flesh recluse, abyssal crawler, lava destroyer, etc.)
-Add more control (Lightning, Rage elixir...)
-Add a useful buff card (Unstoppable)
-Add a better weapon (DISCORD, vampire dagger, or arsenic)