Not really a big deal, but since the SN nerf, it's not really a good idea to have 6 SN, the basic skeleton is 5 SN and 7 QP. (SN=supernovs, QP=quantum pillar)

Lycans are not really a good idea either, mainly because they're meant for immo rushes mostly. I would use a maxwell's demon and a mutation instead.

You use no death quantum, it would be a good idea to have plague (if you really want mass CC) or a bonewall.

You ignored this element as well. You could use otyugh, titan or a black hole.

Since you're not using any light quantum, you could use a morning star or 1-2 blessing.

As the others said, thunderstorm isn't the best card to be put in this type of deck. I would put some more creatures, you're quite vulnerable if you lose them. A wyrm would work great here (it's a good combo with the blessings)

A parallel universe works quite good it these kind of decks.
The other elements seem to be ok, I don't think you really need 2 deflag and 2 steals, but it's up to you.
PS: I commented on the second deck.