Way, way, way too many cards. Ash eaters+immolations fuel phoenixes for smaller decks, but with that many fire pillars, immolations are pointless, just immolate your own phoenixes and rebirth them the next turn. Why the nova? Why the holy lights?
Not bad, but decide on one strategy, and cut the deck down to as few cards as possible (30 is ideal). 5 ash eaters, immolations, and phoenixes with 15 cards left over for deflags, Rains of fire, fire bolts, etc. works well, as does using fire pillars and phoenixes with immolations to speed things up (play your first phoenix off of fire pilars, and play the rest off of immolating existing phoenixes, also allowing you to include several dragons and play them very quickly). Lava golems work well in an immolation deck instead of phoenixes (photons are good immolation-fodder because they're free to play).
This deck will get bad draws a LOT of the time. You're definitely using too much quanta (not enough pillars, even with the immolations). The lava golems will only be able to grow 2-3 times, which makes them next to useless in your deck compared to just taking more dragons or taking fewer cards. Search the forums for "lava golem rush" decks and browse the mono-fire threads to get some ideas for how to optimize your deck.
Thanks for posting, hope this helps!