Well I've been messing with my upped cards and wanted to try a slim rainbow deck, the problems I got is that it's slow to kill with a control deck, and I'm tired of Eternity rewinding and even with that, I've been decking cos of the lack of towers/time mark (i allways use entropy mark, i simply love it and so supernovas). So the fastest way to kill (with less cards) I've found till now is with condors/fractal/RoF (love them too) and that's the deck I've made.
4vn 560 5lg 5rp 5rp 5rp 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 714 71c 77f 7aj 7do 7gp 80i
blank card is Chimera (gives EM if not OTK and it's nice to sometimes see a 216/216 creature with momentum lol)
I'd like to hear tips or advice to improve the deck, I've been testing FG and menage to kill some of them but not consistently enough to call it a FG deck. I'd like to focus it to PVP
The biggest weakness this deck have is permanent control cos of only having 1 copy of my key permaments (except sundial and SoR)
Thanks in advance.
Edit: Modified 1 sundial for 1 reflective shield (i hate fireball spam decks
