First things first: it's pretty large. Smaller decks are usually better than larger decks because you can get the cards you need earlier. You want to get this deck down to 30 cards. So:
-3 Obsidian Pillar (You don't need that much quanta after you take out...)
-3 Black Dragon (They're quite expensive and you already have Fractal'd Vampires)
+2 Devourer (You want to concentrate on a Fractal Devourer theme)
-3 Steal (They help a lot, but they're pretty costly and don't help much with the deck's theme)
-2 Minor Vampire (All you really need is 1 of them to Fractal)
+1 Aether Pillar (You need to fuel your Fractals)
-1 Parallel Universe
-1 Dimensional Shield (Both of these are good cards, but you need to save your

for Fractals)
+2 Fractal
Finally, change your mark to

. Now, you have a solid Fractal Devourer and Vampire deck. Try that out and see how it works.