I haven't bought the deck yet, only tried in trainer so far. I only did about 10 test runs against the AI3 for both versions, and got 80-90% wins.
The only difference between the two is the deflags. I used to run a Fire/Air duo, and I like deflags, so... =D
This is the first version I tried, with the deflags. This version ran at a much more stable rate, and the deflags saved me a few times, but it does make the deck feel 2x slower. O.o I personally like this version better, and hope that a re-balance of pillars/pendulums/dragonflies can make it faster.
5f6 5f6 5f6 5f6 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5od 5od 5od 5od 5od 5od 5of 5of 5of 5of 5of 5of 5og 5og 5ol 5ol 5op 5op 5pu 5pu 5pu
This is the second version, without deflags. I think it runs much faster, but the TTW was all over the place. O.o In the few runs I tried it took 7-17 turns. In the matches where the TTW was inordinately high, the opponent usually had cards like Sudials, Phase shields, Permafrost shields...
5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5od 5od 5od 5od 5od 5od 5of 5of 5of 5of 5of 5of 5og 5og 5ol 5ol 5op 5op 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu
Thanks in advance!