Hey everyone... I have played a long time with a poison deck, witch used Deathstalkers and poisons to defeat the opponent. Eventually, I got bored and wanted to make a new, secondary deck... I had this idea, to make a mummy rush deck, and I tried to do so. Than I took a look at mummies effect, and saw that I can combine death with time, to make something new... So I made this, and I'll call it "Pyramid Dungeon Deck". I uses mummies and dragons as it's main force, but can eventually produce skeletons. With the use of Reverse time, it can make different new monsters, from Pharaoh-->Scarabs, to Random monsters if used on skeletons. Dragons remain the main force... To add more effect to skeleton production I decided to put plague, witch will help the monster control, as well as scarabs' ability... Shields are final point of defense, and can be fully used. If the opponent has too many strong monsters, Skull Shield comes well... and if the opponent has lesser number of stronger monsters, Bone Wall will do the right job... With use of plague and scarabs, bone wall can be regenerated... So I came here for your opinion... tell me what you think about it, and how to improve it... thank you...
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
52g 52g 52g 52g 52h 52h 52h 52l 52n 52p 52r 52t 52t 52t 52t 52t 52t 542 542 542 576 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rk 5rk 5t2 5t2 5t2 5t2 8pk
30 cards
[Death Mark]
Resources (15)
Bone Pillar x4
Death Pendulum x3
Gravity Pendulum x1
Time Factory x3
Time Pendulum x4
Monsters (9)
Bone Dragon x3
Mummy x6
Spells (4)
Reverse Time x2
Boneyard x1
Plague x1
Equipement (2)
Bone Wall x1
Skull Shield x1
Deck Price: ~1002e
I didn't use any upgraded cards, so this is pretty much what anyone can start from... Please leave your opinion, ideas, comments, experiences. Tell me how can I improve the deck, and witch cards would be vise to be upgrad? Thank you... :3
(If you need more info, just ask for it...)