There is 1 (count 'em, one) and only 1 kind of deck that can yield consistent wins against the False Gods in Elements the Game.
This deck is called the Rainbow. (,87.0.html)
Thus, I can't make this an FG killer. You'll have to go with a different deck for that.
Okay, I'm going to give your deck a once-over. Remember, the single most effective, simple thing you can do to improve a deck is to remove unnecessary cards. Your current deck is 60 cards large, which is huge. The best Level 3 killers are very fast and are quite small (30-35 cards). That's what you want to aim for. So, remove cards that don't help, or don't help that much.
1 X Dagger (Replace with better weapon)
3 X Amethyst Pillar
1 X Dissipation Shield (Doesn't help all that much)
2 Chaos Seed (Random, won't help much)
3 X Nova (It only gives you 1
and 1
2 Mutation (Doesn't help that much for offense or defense)
5 X Gravity Pillar
1 X Fallen Elf (Same reason)
3 X Graviton Mercenary (Pretty weak, won't help much)
1 X Gravity Shield (Again, won't help much)
2 X Otyugh (Slow and expensive)
3 X Gravity Pull (You have lots of Momentum creatures, which don't hit Gravity Pulled creatures)
3 X Black Hole (Only good against Rainbows)
Yep. And that's pretty much what you get. Of course, Entropy/Gravity does not make the best deck ever. If you want to go either with Entropy or with Gravity, which I recommend, look here (,1190.0.html) for some good decks.