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can you give me advice on if my grinding deck is good or if I should make any changes to make it more efficient? also, is there an intermediate deck that I could fairly easily transition to that i could grind top 50 or AI5 before false-gods? also, when i do reach $1500, which card should i upgrade first?
I have few suggestions for this anti fg deck.
IF you have 2 eternities then, use both and:
-7 quantum pillars (mostly because you need space for other stuff, and... you don't like big decks?)
-1 hourglass (sundials => you don't really need 4 hourglasses)
+1 quintessence (you don't want wait this card too long)
+1 fog shield (amazing shield, low cost and effective)
+1 animate weapon
+3 time factory (=> for hourglasses/rewinding)
And if you have only one eternity:
-3 quantum pillars
-1 hourglass
+1 quintessence
+1 fog shield
+1 rain fo fire
With 6 sundials you have time to generate quantum, so less quantum pillars should be enough; if not and you need more quantum pillars, add 1 quintessence and fog - just try them few games