reminds me of a trio-lockdown i faced in the arena: water, entropy and aether, working to the same principle you want to achieve (fragging my pillars, then antimattering my new nymphs). quanta-wise, could it work better to use nymph's tears? maybe splashing a quintessence could be helpful, but like said previously, i have no idea how you'll pull off the quanta balance then.
in your testing, has the combo been pulled off fast enough? for a full lockdown seems like you'd need a 3-turn combo in place, maybe 4 if you've got eternity out fast enough.
30 cards and 4 hourglasses? do you plan on nymph bouncing in case of deckout, or are the extras there to draw out permanent control?
RE: stalling, i've found procrastination to be more than a thorn in my side when combined with eternity bouncing critters, maybe it'll help you. i think it costs 4

when upped, and 6 unupped, so not to big a

if indeed you pulled it off as a

trio, you'd have all you need: healing and stall (with the shield, of course), although i've yet to see a deck busting pillars and rewinding. the closest would have to be an ultra-scorp variant (momentum'd dune scorps with a gravity nymph), but that is a duo... then again, going full rainbow would add the possibility of having earthquake (be it the spell or trident)... waitaminute: add a trident and a couple gemfinders: yes it becomes a quartet (if you go gravity as well) but the quanta lock would be atrocious... throwing ideas out, no idea how this could work in practice