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Kurohami's getting no where rainbow deck https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4075.msg39696#msg39696
« on: March 17, 2010, 03:22:00 am »
I started god farming with a 60 cards rainbow randomly made by myself, after a while I had enough with my super random and super frustrating results. So, I switched to the Ultimate False God Killing deck, it worked very well, for a while. After the sundial nerf, the gods are getting on my nerves again, the deck lost a large part of its speed and consistency. Also, the UFGKD is quite outdated, meaning it has taken none of the new cards into account. With all these reasons, I thought it's probably no longer the ultimate, and I sought to make a puppychow rainbow, which looks much leaner and more up to date with quints at least. The sad news is the only one shard I have is a shard of divinity, which means I couldn't really complete his deck. So, I messed around with the cards I got and come up with this more or less hybrid rainbow. I added the quints so my creatures (none of which have duplicates, except otyugh) wouldn't get wiped out so easily again. To balance the increased size a messed around with the pillar, sundial, and supernova counts a bit, now it has somewhat characteristics from many different rainbows. So far, I still stand no chance against the more powerful gods like seism, graviton, obliterator, rainbow, hermes and  divine glory,  little chance against scorpio, morte,  and dark matter, that's the majority of the gods. Even with the easier gods, my winning rate is not very consistent. That's why I played for so long but still have a only half upgraded deck. I'd like the experts of this game to enlighten me upon my follys, what should I do to make this deck better?


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Re: Kurohami's getting no where rainbow deck https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4075.msg40251#msg40251
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2010, 09:50:12 am »
Hi there,

I think you use a realy similar deck as I do, but I win the most Matches vs FGs. Hm... ok my deck is fully upgraded except the sundials, i have no Miracle and no Graboid in it, but one Shard and one Purify (i hate Scorpio >.<). Often you need some luck or better not to much misfortune ;)

But I'm testing some changes in the trainer, when the new cards come into play I guess some FGs will need a new deck :)


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Re: Kurohami's getting no where rainbow deck https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4075.msg40305#msg40305
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2010, 01:15:35 pm »
I only have a shard of divinity, but that's not much use, is it? I think miracle can cope in more different situations than purify, that's why I have it.


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Re: Kurohami's getting no where rainbow deck https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4075.msg40460#msg40460
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2010, 07:09:35 pm »
Hello.  Deck looks very inconsistent.
In a rainbow FG deck, dont worry about damage early on.  The reasoning for that is that FGs have alot of health and you need a BIG force to attack as a team.  It can be thought of as a war.  Go in as a team, work as a team.  If you have people just attack when they want all random like, nothing gets done.
-graboid (he is there for damage?  not enough and is a loner)
-remove 2 steals (when you get the card, which will be CONSISTENTLY mid-late game, you will have very little use for it since FGs packs a bunch of multiples)
-remove 4 pillars
-remove all super novas  (they only work well early game right? well 4 in a 54 card deck means you most likely will not get it early.  In a 30 card deck...)
- remove armor
-remove 1 bone wall

-1 phase shield
-1 quint  (the goal is to ESTABLISH a team.  This will help you KEEP the creatures you play)

good luck :D


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Re: Kurohami's getting no where rainbow deck https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4075.msg40548#msg40548
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2010, 09:26:02 pm »
Too large.


1 X Graboid
6 X Sundial
1 X Steal
4 X Quantum Pillar
1 X Electrum Hourglass
2 X Dimensional Shield
1 X Heavy Armor


2 X Nova

Upgrade Novas, and you have a good, reliable 40 card Rainbow. Hope this helps.


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Re: Kurohami's getting no where rainbow deck https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4075.msg40680#msg40680
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2010, 12:07:31 am »
Okay, I'll try. But heavy armor combos really well with otyugh, graboid is there because it's untargetable when first played, and I could use it to draw out creature control cards before the more vital creature come out, if quints don't come that is. And, is sundial no longer popular in rainbow decks? I thought they are the core of the deck.


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Re: Kurohami's getting no where rainbow deck https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4075.msg40809#msg40809
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2010, 03:18:34 am »
Okay, I'll try. But heavy armor combos really well with otyugh, graboid is there because it's untargetable when first played, and I could use it to draw out creature control cards before the more vital creature come out, if quints don't come that is. And, is sundial no longer popular in rainbow decks? I thought they are the core of the deck.
Keep heavy if you like but take into consideration that you have 1 card in a huge deck and you are waiting for another almost equally scarce card.  And graboid is very pointless in this deck.  In place of a graboid, you could have a RoF for instance, or an hourglass.  Cards that will help with the overall strategy of the deck.  Graboid is just a loner with no synergy with other cards in this deck.

Sundials are still good but no longer the "backbone" of rainbows.  1 turn can be crucial and only use when you have light quanta for that extra draw.  Very helpful.  I dont personally use them, but they can help you.

Icybreaker wants you to remove them but i dont think it is a good idea, you will get rushed hard and fast- especially when removing an hourglass and a Dim Shield. You will have very little defense and draw power.


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Re: Kurohami's getting no where rainbow deck https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=4075.msg40955#msg40955
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2010, 12:56:17 pm »
Yeah, I think I will remove graboid then. Heavy armor sometimes act like a weak quintessence, because it's not easy to damage a creature for 6 hp, my deck is a little heavy on aether with the quints and dim shields. I'll see what happens. Thanks for the advice.

