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Well I just recently built this rusher deck and it kills AI3 in less than 7 turns. It works well for me.
Only problem I'm having is that my first hand and draws are always not working out!
Anyway to fix this?
Here are my details:

Immolation: This is the main part of the deck. Helps to get out all of my phoenixes and lava golems.

Photons: Second main component. Once i get one photon and an immolation, I can start immolatiing the phoenixes. But that stalls for a turn.

Phoenixes: Main attackers.

Brimstone Eaters: Only upgrades in the deck. They help LOTS by getting out more fire to quicken up the process if I have no immolations in hand

Deflagrations: Gets rid of those pesky shields and annoying weaponry.

Lava Golems: This is what I added in to use up the extra Earth quanta with the Immolations. This I think is probably the reason why my deck aint working because I barely use them.

Crimson Dragons: Too expensive and slowed the deck down.
Any help on this deck would be awesome!
I would like to have this deck reach the potential of:

Better draws

Still the same attack speed or faster

Kept at 30 cards.
Thanks for reading. And again, help would be great.