First off, if you're going to use so many different elements, use Nova. Six Novas will cover every single off-element card in your deck - in fact, four Novas is enough to fuel everything but the Earthquakes, so perhaps consider dropping them. Earthquake is a card you really want to draw at the start, and with so few in a medium-size deck, you'll end up with them as dead draws almost every game.
If you do go with Novas, don't eliminate all the quantum pillars - one quirk is that six Lycanthropes will cost you 12
to morph into competent attackers, and Novas can't provide that much. Or switch to Darkness pillars.
The rest looks fairly good - you have a variety of CC options to fit the situation, cheap PC, the ability to just ignore enemy shields... note, though, that you have a very small chance to get an improved mutant from unupped Mutation spells. You're far more likely to get an Abomination or just kill your Photon. Unupped Mutation spells are more useful as CC, actually.
There are a number of directions you could go with this, really - the deck isn't terrible, but there is room for improvement, it's a question of which way you want to go. Right now, what you have is mostly defensive, more of a stall than a rush.