I just made this in trainer just for kicks. I lost to Ai3s. Not just oops I lost but every game was a struggle, and we are talking upped against unupped!
The whole point of a rainbow is a deck can use cards that produce a lot of quantum, like nova/supernova, immolation, or quantum tower. Then use cards from a spread of elements so most things can be cast quicker then they could if it was mono, plus you get to take the best cards from each element.
This deck however has

: 29

: 24

: 18

: 4

: 2

: 2

: however many for FFQ.

: however many for Pulverizer.
Why not just trim the aether, entropy, and water; making this an air/earth deck?
Either that or cut down on the air cards, and earth cards and broaden your element mix. I would suggest with a supernova variety you limit any one element to no more than 5. With a nova no more than 3. With a immolation however much fire you want, but no more than 2 anything else. Towers are alright, but generally they are slow for a rush-bow.
By the way when I say no element to no more than 5 I mean like Unstable Gas costs 5 so I would feel comfortable having 1 in the deck, as long as nothing else in the deck uses

Good luck.