Mark is

I think it will works vs. Top 50 and AI lvl 5, but it's too slow for FG.
It's rather slow, 'cause I usually win by decking out oponent.
Diffrent strategy have to be taken, depends on our drawnings, but the most important things are:
- use Nymph's Tear's (when U have and can play quint) on Sapphire Tower to get Nymph Queen
- use protected Eternity to don't get decked out
- sundials and SoG should give U enough time to get enough immortals nymph's, if U in trouble use miracle
- use aflatoxin to kill your own creature so U will get creatures to use your Eternity on (using adrenaline on the cell will give U 4 more cell every turn!!!)
- U can use afaltoxin to give your enemy cell (the mirror shield will protect you and he can't steal it)
- the combo is to 1. antimatter oponent creatures 2. adrenaline them 3. give them immortality ; so u should get green and purple nymph, and aether nymph (or Anubis). If U have them (and U gave them immortality) then don't change any other towers to nymphs - U still need to get quanta
obvious weakness- don't have any defence for destroying permanents (to be honest this is a problem only when playing real human)
- fire buckler could easily kill all your creatures (u can prevent it by getting mutant with destroy or stealing that shield)
I would like to hear any comments, what can I change to improve my deck?
ps. I didn't have enough cash to upgrade amethyst and emerald pillars, but it will work better when upgraded to tower
26.01 UPDATE: I've added 2 improved steals (mainly as a defence against pulverizer)
26.01 UPDATE2: I've added fire buckler, 'cause I've noticed that it doesn't kills antimattered creatures (which actually make sense - they're not attacking, they're healing

it also opens a new strategy against fire buckler - just antimatter your nymphs(they have low attack, so healing enemy isn't a problem) and deck out your opponent