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My Non-Upgraded Fire/Gravity Deck. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11845.msg146054#msg146054
« on: August 25, 2010, 04:04:04 am »
Code: [Select]
55m 55m 55p 55q 55q 55q 55q 55r 55r 55r 55r 55s 55t 55u 55u 55u 55u 55v 55v 55v 55v 5f5 5fb 5fb 5fb 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi
Okay, I have gotten to 500 using this deck in PvP, I think it works pretty well. All those question marks are fire pendulums.  The Synergy of this deck is fabulous I think, it seems no matter what I get as long as I get at least two pendulums in the beginning draw, I can work with it.

i am trying to figure out how to explain the strategy, but it is just so varied.

If I get an Otyugh in and the enemy's HP is too high I can use a fire potion to lower it, firewall to lower it, sometimes gravity pull to lower it, or momentum to raise their HP. I like to priortize getting them out because they make a great defense.

The Armajos have a variety of uses, I can play them and turn on gravity pull to essentially increase my health by 25-50, and when they get too low, sometimes I will have the Oty' eat them, which is useful or I can use fire potions on them and turn them into hard to kill weapons.

The Fire mercenaries are usually the workhorse of my offense, I geed them the fire and they get stronger and stronger. And I often have the option of using momentum on one, and then giving it a fire potion. Which is useful.

I really like the Black Holes, especially against a rainbow. But even if I'm not against a rainbow, they can be useful, both as HP boosters and sometimes as a way to slow down my enemy early game.

Gravity Shield I find useful against enemies I can't eat, like dragons. Though I must admit, I often don't think it is pulling its own weight. But often against invincible enemies I have no other choice beyond my Armajos all I can do is hope that they don't have a steal or destroy card in their hand.

Fire shield is the same scenario, against low HP invincible enemies it is a lifesaver, against high HP non-invincible, it als is a life saver. But again I have to hope there is no steal or destroy card handy.

I wouldn't hesitate to say that momentum is the glue that holds my deck together, whether it is protecting the health of my Otyaghs or fire merc from shields, who are very hard to replace considering the time they take to pull themselves up, boosting the health of my Otyagh so they can eat a bigger enemy, boosting the health of my fire merc so they can drink a fire potion or just allowing my fire boosted Armajos or really strong fire merc to fight, without it I would be toast.

I would have to say though Fire potion is my greatest ace though. Whether it is in slaying an uppity enemy early on, weakening an enemy mid to late game for my Otyagh to eat, boosting My Armajos so they can wreak havoc upon my foes, or boosting my fire merc so they can administer the coup de grace, its importance as a glue is second only to the momentum. So I guess its the duck tape.

As for the Titan, I figure it'll do better then the hammer. Which was honestly stolen and destroyed too often for me to really care about it. But It did its job good enough otherwise.

So, any tips on how to improve this deck?


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Re: My Non-Upgraded Fire/Gravity Deck. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11845.msg146627#msg146627
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2010, 01:56:11 am »
This is a well planned out deck but i think you may want to half the number of the pendulums and replace the half that you took out with gravity pillars, that way if your hand is full of cards that don't use fire quanta you can get them out faster while still having enough fire to use all of your fire quanta.  Other than that you might want to reduce the number of cards by taking out ones you don't like or use so you get the ones you do more often.  Sorry if its not much help, im sort of new myself..


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Re: My Non-Upgraded Fire/Gravity Deck. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11845.msg148342#msg148342
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2010, 04:21:46 am »
This is a well planned out deck but i think you may want to half the number of the pendulums and replace the half that you took out with gravity pillars, that way if your hand is full of cards that don't use fire quanta you can get them out faster while still having enough fire to use all of your fire quanta.  Other than that you might want to reduce the number of cards by taking out ones you don't like or use so you get the ones you do more often.  Sorry if its not much help, im sort of new myself..
He's quite right. Take out 5-8 or those pendulums and add in some grav pillars.
Even if you need it for the Fire Eaters, that much can and will give you too much extra fire quanta, unless you use it with something else in mind, such as Fareinheit. If you really think you need all of those pendulums, use that.
-Gravity Shield. It doesn't look very useful, unless you're planning on working something in later with the Elite Oty/Gravity Shield combo, whereas everything that doesn't hit the shield is easily devourable.
-Gravity Pull. I honestly have no idea why it's there. Fire Shield, Rage Potions, and Oty make up enough CC, and Armaggios have it as their ability. All it is at the moment is a filler card wasting space, meaning you can't draw cards you actually need.
+Immolation. Just remembered it, and it can pay for half of your fire cards there for something as trivial as one of your many Otys.
+Deflags. You have absolutely no Permanent Control in this deck, which could make your deck much stronger. Utilizing that, you can get rid of things that can screw you over in the long run, such as Bonds or annoying weapons.
As I stated at the start, -Titan +Fareinheit if you plan on keeping those pendulums.

Hope this helps.


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Re: My Non-Upgraded Fire/Gravity Deck. https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=11845.msg151130#msg151130
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2010, 12:44:33 am »
In the time it has taken you all to respond to this, I have already eliminated this deck. Anyway, when I take out the pendelums, I increase my odds of getting a crappy starting hand. Its bad for me if I end up with only 1 pendulum and the rest are pillars.

