O.o keeping an eye on this. May be a good idea to use my 3 new Owl's Eyes for together with my upped Crusader

edit: died in 10 turns to the fire/darkness ai3 1st game(no Owl's Eye drawn)
2nd game same ai3 win 14 turns with 2 owl's eyes drawn and 3 crusaders. Barely won with 10 hp left. Why? Steal +Sanctuary= Mass Healing Stall + Mass Rush =_(
3rd game versus air/life(FFQ)Owl's Eye+Crusader+Wings+5 Pendulums first turn

. My crusader gets shock waved on sight

. 2nd crusader shares the same fate. 3rd crusader gets 2 turn-snipe->shockwaved =(. 3 FFQ out + 5 FFs+hope+Owl's Eye+Tons of quanta= I rage quit lol.
4th game I faced mono aether ai3 and the wings came in really handy when I had 3 cards left and was going to 1 turn kill him when he plays dim shield+wings+dim shield+wings

. Yay for mindgate making the ai confused ^^
5th game Light/air gets decimated by my mass snipe.
After these games I think I have to disagree with you Johann. It does take up more hand space but I haven't had a time where it was the only card in my hand nor where it clashed with Owl's Eye. Only the 3rd game would've liked Fog better. Maybe have -1 Wings -1 air pend +1 Fog but other than that meh.