If quantum access is an issue I'd add + 3 pillars for a 15 total. I'd also remove one rain of fire (though there are matches where you'd miss it) and one steal in favour of deflag. ( Costs less and there are times when you have the eternity/bonewall up and you need to get rid of a wepon/shield )
All in all I wouldn't be worried if this deck wasn't consistantly beating FGs. A higher loss % is normal for an unupped deck. I'd reccomend farming Halfbloods to up a few more cards before you go against the FGs.
For me the turning point from a terrible win/loss ratio to one where I was earning money occured when I upgraded the Fallen elf.
I'd also look up each false god on the wiki to see their decks. Gods without permanent control are always easier and gods without creature or permanent control are generally a walk in the park. Knowing that you can play cards without protection really does increase your speed.