Honestly it is pretty messy. Blessings are fine. Fire Shield - maybe 1 instead of 2, but also fine, it doesn't matter. Take out mindgates. If it is a pharaoh deck then focus on the pharaoh. Empathic Bonds are fine but maybe if there was just 1. Take out a pulverizer and put in a quintense or 2. That is if you want to keep it as a rainbow.
For just a pharaoh deck I wuld out Mark as Gravity, put in 12 Time Factories, 6 Pharaohs, 3 blessings, 4 S'novas (minimum), A few Precognitions (minimum of 2 and 2 hourglasses and an Eternity and a few Quints. And if you want 2 deja vu's
The Precognitions and Hourglasses - To draw cards fast.
Eternity - Use Reverse Time on the opponent to keep him/her from hitting you until your Scarabs are strong enough to own the field. Also to use so u dont deck out.
Mark of Gravity - So you can devour, since it only costs 1 gravity to devour.
Time Factories - To Draw the Pharaoh, Eternity, Precog's. and Hourglasses.
Blessings - So a few of the Scarabs can survive until you get a lot of Scarabs out till Defence Isn't really a problem. Or if u add in a few Deja vu's then you can use the blessings and use deja vu on the Deja vu's so that instead of 1 Deja vu of having 4 through 10 hp then 2 can...
Quints - To keep your Pharoahs alive, to keep your strong Scarabs alive and, if you decide to use them, for your Deja vu's so they don't die.
Pharaoh's - Self Explanatory.