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My (close to) Duo deck (Semi-Permalink)
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:33 pm »

It has

x4 quantum pillars
x2 Plate Armor
X1 Blessing
x4 Wind Pillars
X4 Wyrms
x4 Aether Pillars
x3 Lightning
x6 PU
x2 Dim Sheilds

I plan on it having,

x3 Amythest Pillars
x4 Choas power
x4 Wind pillars
x4 wyrms
x4 ather pillars
x2 Lightning
x1 owls eye
x6 PU
x1-2 dim shield
x1-2 shards of gratitude
x1 shard of divinity (maybe)

After that I plan to upgrade some things and go from there, but i need advice on what I have now, and what i'm aiming for, as well as how to get there. I do plan to have a fully upped deck.

Thank you.

P.S. My current deck does very well in PvP(Give me my delusions)

