For starters this deck is the best upgraded deck i have tried so far... i have mixed the garrbix with the top 50 rush killer deck and made this beast of a deck...t his deck can be used in multiple battles against multiple AI levels. i personally use this deck to farm FGS and Top50 it works about 35 or 40 percent of the time against FGs and if the hand is good its almost a easy victory. there are almost no top50 decks that can beat this and if they do its because ur hand is complete junk or they play a combo that will stop this deck. i wanna make this deck smoother seening as how i use this to farm and i havnt beenabe to think of any good perserve or helping or controll cards to make this run smoother.
here it is in what i find to be the final product.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4vj 4vj 4vj 5c1 5fc 5fc 5fc 6u1 71a 77e 77e 77e 77e 77e 77e 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dp 7dq 7dq 7dq 7n0 8pm
i replaced the photons with Gnome Riders and half the phoenixes with lava destroyers. as for the single nova i had replaced it with a shield and then left everythingelse unupgraded until i lost a battle due to 1 less quanta and so i upgraded the cards that lowered quanta consumption and the deck runs smoother.
ive been running this deck and found it to be the best farming and quickest farming deck around. 5 turn perfects lasting a minute and doing 50 and hour means mass card and money gain with little loss... this deck is worth it.
As for the FGs certain ones will destroy you horribly and others like decay and jezebel you will beable to beat about 75 percent the time. and others are hit and miss depending on the game draw.
As for the tactics just unload ur hand asap. creamate the gnomes and bring out phoenix or lavas and garbs. all the mana gain is in the craeamations and wehen i replaced the photons with gnomes the earth mana gain of this deck incrased drastically and made this work. so its pretty self explanitory once you run this bad boy once or twice, you'll get the swing of it in no time.
if anyone has tried running this deck or can look at it and help me get any ideas how to make this thing run smoother please help out and let me know.